Smoking Cigarettes??

Ok ladies. I'm two weeks late and have gotten vvvvvvvfl that I'm not too sure of. Which appeared within 1-1:30 minutes. Ive had a few people say they cant see it and a few others who say they definitely can. But if you smoke(d) did you stop when you realized you missed your period or when you got a BFP? I'm still currently smoking because I'm not entirely sure if I am positively pregnant or not. Here are pictures of the tests with filters so you can see better but I'm not sure if I'm going crazy or what's going on!!

Just for clarification. I'm not exactly ttc. My ex boyfriend and I have been off and on for a year and I wasn't planning on this and he has no clue I have this faint positive test because Im scared he'll think I'm crazy and trying to trap him with a baby. even though it takes two😂 He does know I'm two weeks late but when I asked if he could give me the money for pink dye tests he responded with "i dont think you're pregnant" lol