My crush



 So last weekend i went to this warehouse party in Paris.

I'm from England but currently in paris visiting family.

I was invited to the party by my crush, whom ive only known since being in Paris.

My friends weren't able to attend so i ended up just going with him and his 3 friends.

 I had never met his friends before. He warned just before I was about to meet them, that they will probably try and flirt with me.

When he said that..... I felt kinda flattered, like he though I was cute enough that I would get hit on by his friends.

Anyway so a couple of them did, but at that point I only had eyes for my crush.

He was really sweet to me the whole night,  always asking if I'm ok ( his friends were a bit too much sometimes lol ).

When we get to the party he starts flirting with other girls, and it kinda bothers me at first.

But then his friend asks me to dance and I kinda forget about.

Me and this guy danced for a maybe a couple hours or something ( we even kissed ).

Whenever i would see my crush, we would lock eyes and smile at each other.

It sort of felt like a sneaky smile with a connection.

A few hours later, I see him sat down so I go join him.

He gives me one of them smiles, asks if im okay, and then we just sit in silence  ( apart from the music obvs).

After about 10min, he taps my legs and asks me to dance.

We're dancing and he's just like constantly smiling at me.

I felt quite intimated by his height ( 6ft 6 ), which stopped me from making a move with  him.

We then go upstairs to different party room, and join his friends.

I'm feeling the music so I keep dancing while they're talking.

This guy who i don't know asks me to dance, so we dance together about 5ft away from my crush and me friends.

They then went back downstairs and I tell the guy I'm dancing with that I'm going to go too.

 They were the only people I knew at the party so I didn't want to lose them.

So me and this guy go back downstairs and dance for a while.

We then go into the bar/smoking area, where he introduces me to his friends and asks for my number.

And it's that point when this guy is putting his number in my phone, that my crush walks past us and flashes me a smile.

I felt bad, but I also though it might make him a little jealous.

The guy then has to go and I go back to my crush and his friends.

It's around 7am at this point and we're all pretty tired, so we decide to leave.

On the way out my crush is flirting with other girls again..... with not much success :/

During the walk back to the train, he stuck by my side.

My feet were really sore so we were walking pretty slow compared to his friends.

We keep looking at each other and smiling, it was a little awkward but very cute haha.

He asked if i has enjoyed myself, and if I liked his friend ( the one i was first dancing with).

I told him what happened was just fun, nothing serious.

And that's the point where I realized I might have screwed up..... he probably didn't try and flirt with me because he thought I liked his friend 😣

So what's your opinions? Do you think he could have possibly liked me but I screwed it up?

And how do I fix it?


Thanks for reading 😊❤