Virginity... opinions please!!


Okay so, me and my bf dated back in 2016 for like 8 months and we literally did everything but him sticking his dick inside me lmao... we broke up for 5 months because of a court case he was going thru where he was falsely accused and he was so upset mentally about the whole thing he broke up with me because he felt he couldn’t be the boyfriend I deserved to have at the time... but told me he still loved me and he was coming back... we agreed to be friends but didn’t talk that much... a couple weeks after we broke up one of his “friends” (they weren’t friends anymore but used to be) hit me up and we talked a lot, he was off at college almost the whole time but a couple months later during winter break he came back and we hung out, got fucked up, we were drunk and high... and I ended up having sex with him a couple times that night/morning... a couple weeks later my then ex and now bf and I started hanging out again and got back together, we’ve now been dating over a year and a half...

we ended finally having sex a couple weeks after we got back together (it was his first time)...

I count losing my virginity to my bf because of all the sexual stuff we had done before I even got with that other guy... does it make sense to say I lost my virginity to my now bf?