I just officially quit my job to become a full time SAHM

I literally just sent the email to my managers. I have been working part time ever since she was born August 2016. It has taken a toll on my marriage because I get to see my husband a few minutes a day. I work from 5:45 to 10:30 and he gets for home at 5:30. Doing this has been so hard, because I am all day home with my little one and then all night at the office all by myself with with very little human interaction. Keep in mind that even though I work part time, I am still responsible for my full time caseload (40 families). It is exhausting, made me want to pull my hair, my anxiousness has destroyed my fingernails. Today they asked me to take on the load of the other worker who's moving on to a better job. They started this by asking me about putting my baby in daycare, and I'm sorry but I did not have a baby to pay half of my paycheck to another person to raise her. I can't wrap my head around this concept. So today I quit, and I feel torn and like a bad employee. We will probably have to cut on a lot of stuff, maybe even sell our house to buy a cheaper one, but these years are so important and gone too quick for me to put money above it. I don't fee ok, and that's why I came here to vent, because part of me is telling me that I am a failure at life, but my other part is telling me that I did the right thing. I don't know, I just really hope it all turns out well in the end....

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Posted at
Good for you!! You should not feel guilty about wanting to be a good mum. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you find a good part time job or business that fits into your schedule. All the best!!


Posted at
I think you're doing the right thing. you're right - these years are precious! i totally agree with you on the whole not working to pay another person to raise your child. I was fortunate enough to be a SAHM since baby was born. I've been toying with the idea of going back to work soon but your post has kind of inspired me to spend some more time with baby. 😄 It is hard to manage things with only one partner's income , but things usually work out when push comes to shove. Good luck and enjoy your sweet baby!