The cons of wearing a purity ring


So I’ve had a purity ring since seventh grade I’m now a sophomore in highschool. I’ve almost lost it several time because I loose weight a lot due to my fast metabolism so it would fall off. Now rarely do I get asked if I’m married or something and it’s usually just boys. But recently a GUY TEACHER asked if it was an engagement ring (I go to a catholic all girls school and wear a uniform so you could tell I was a student freshmen through junior since my shirt wasn’t blue). I laughed as I usually do. I said it was a purity ring. He had no clue what it was so I embarrassing my blushed saying it ment I wasn’t to have sex before marriage. Why on earth would a grown mid 30s guy think a girl in highschool was engaged? Maybe this is why I’ve never had a boyfriend they all think I’m taken. Yet I’ve been available since birth and would gladly like a boyfriend someday! I get lonely!