Dear Family (its long but I needed to say this stuff)

Thank you for being so fucked up. Because of everything wrong with you, it taught me how to act, who to be, right from wrong. You taught me that you are everything I hope I will never turn out to be. Brother #1. You are always in and out of jail for reasons I don’t want to know. I use to love you. But growing up I have realized everything you do is bad. You were a horrible influence on my growing mind when I was little. I hope you go to prison never get out. You deserve it. It’s been years in and out of jail and you still haven’t learned right from wrong. Brother #2. You use to verbally and physically abuse me from a baby to about 13 years old. You use to hit me, push me, tell me I’m fat and adopted. It hurt. So bad. But sometimes you were nice to me. I loved those times. Now we don’t see each other anymore and even though you were so mean to me, I miss you. Brother #3. You died when I was about 5. I only have one memory of you. I miss you. Brother #4 I’m sorry. You have a mental illness (schizophrenia) and I’m so sorry. We use to be close. But then you did bad things because of your illness and you were sent to a hospital to live there. I haven’t talked to you in a few years but I want you to know I love you and miss you so much. And I don’t blame you for what you did Brother #5. You went to prison when I was little. But you’ve been out for a few years now and you have never gone back to jail. I’m so proud of you. You are raising your kids and living a good life. I love you. Brother #6. We aren’t close even though we live together. But your great. I know you care about me and love me. I do too. Keep doing what your doing because you’re a great influence. Brother #7. I don’t like you. You never talk to me. The only time I hear you Is when my phone bill is due and you threaten to have my phone reported stolen if we are late with the payment. I sometimes forget you are my brother because you don’t feel like family. Sister #1. We aren’t close at all but I love you. And your daughter. You’re amazing. Sister #2. Sadly you screwed up your life. But I hope you end up okay in the long run. I love you and maybe one day we will see each other. Dad. I hate you. I use to love you but that stoped at about the age of 10. You stoped feeling like a dad. Let’s be honest, you bought my love. I’m happy you left us. I was miserable when you lived with us. I never see you but we talk on the phone. I never say I love you because it would be a lie if I did. I do feel sorry for you though. You screwed up your life by leaving us. Mom. I don’t like you very much. I can’t wait to move out. That’s all I have to say about you.