Rant / My opinion

Nessie • 💐

My "lovely" sister said something to me the other day that really has my mind racing. Let me just give you some background knowledge before continuing. My sister didn't want me & my fiancé to have a baby. She hated the fact we was ttc. She downs me all the time because I'm pregnant & not married, But she's married with no intentions of having a child. So I personally feel like she's contradicting herself by telling me I needed to be married first. It's really not up to her to tell me how I want to live my life. We are just two completely different people & I understand & respect that. We have many other issues aside from all of this, that are quite personal. I'll just say, I have very good reasons to feel how I feel towards her & my perspective of her has severely changed over the years. Now we can continue with the rant, She has recently told me that I am not a mother even though I am pregnant. Her reasoning behind that statement was "you don't know what it's like raising a child, changing diapers, feeding that child...etc" I just want to tell my opinion on this. I feel as if I am a mother to my baby boy. Just because I don't have him in my arms yet to care for or to experience all the wonderful things I'm patiently waiting on, doesn't make me any less of a mother. My body is adjusting & changing to his needs everyday. I feel these changes, I experience them first hand & know that my body is taking care of him. No I'm not personally feeding him, but my body is making sure he has the nutrients he needs to grow & im eating all the right things to give him what he needs even on the days that I feel like eating nothing. No I don't know what it's like staying up all night rocking him to sleep, but I do know what its like staying awake half the night because I have aches with my growing body. No I don't know what it's like to protect him & keep him out of life's harmful ways, but I do know he's safe & sound inside my womb & I do take all the precautions I'm told to. I'm a mother in progress, I still have a long road ahead of me & I understand that. I also considered every possibility even before ttc. I understand theirs gonna be bad days, but my sister seemed to be focusing on all the hard work more then the sweet rewards of being a mother & im sure that's because she doesn't want to be a mother, but I honestly think that with her knowing this is what I wanted more then anything & finally being blessed with the opportunity of being the mother I've always wanted to be. She shouldn't have made me feel like my life dedications & ambitions mean absolutely nothing. I'm sure she isn't the only one who feels this way, so I'm just here to say that a mother is a mother. No matter where she is in her journey. Trust me I already know what it's like giving up things for my son, I know the struggles of choosing between things that I didn't have to before & how the little things really do matter. Everything I do now I always consider my son above myself. Everything I eat, I ask myself "Is this going to benefit him?". Everything I buy I ask myself "Can this wait?" Everything I do I always make sure I'm doing it with caution & making sure I don't strain myself or him. I don't let myself get stressed or anxious like I'm so prone to, therefore I let a lot of things go that I normally wouldn't be okay with, just to make sure I'm as healthy as I can be mentally & physically for him. Becoming a mother starts at conceiving, my whole mindset changed in a blink of an eye when I seen 'Pregnant' flash in front of me. When you know you're carrying another little person inside you that is depending on you, things definitely does change from that moment & it does progress as time goes on.