Need positive vibes/motivation


My boyfriend and I are in a LDR, 2200 miles apart (I’m in CA & he’s in GA). We’re both willing to travel to see one another. He was just out here last week, coming back for New Years and I’m going out there the week after New Years.

He is super confident and believes in us. I’m the one experiencing the fears, thinking the worst such as him finding someone within his state and leaving just waiting for the day that he calls & tell me that he can’t do this anymore. However, my boyfriend constantly reassures me and reminds me that he’s all in and that he fears that I may leave him. Although he has this fear, he’s still rooting for us.

My friends are supportive but my father and brother tells me LDR doesn’t work, this is temporary and just something in the moment. I hate not having their support.

Has anyone ever experienced this? If so how did you let your fears go and fully enjoy your LDR? If your family doubts/doubted your relationship, did they jump on board? How did you deal with it?

Please help 😔 Any advice would. Thank you