highschool sweethearts ready for future!


Just wanted to share this with everyone. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 year, we are both turning 19 soon. My boyfriends mother was strict when we first started dating. not letting us hold hands, lay next to each other or kiss. But we did it anyways but not infront if her. Over the years she has got less strict. Now recently, he has been staying over at my house for the night cause we both started college this year, and she has had no problem with it. before when he would stay over and get not knowing, she would freak out on him, but I think she has realized that we are both adults and that we have been together long enough. Lately I've been thinking about us having our own house and how it would be! it makes me smile just thinking about it for the future! I love this guy with all my heart and he is my high school sweetheart💙