Should I move out? Or hope my doctor understands my situation...

Ellie • Zoe-Jane Belle Grimes born April 7th 10.3lbs 15 in head 21 in long at 1:08 AM!

My mom, brother, and step dad all smoke weed. I’m not judging them for doing it, because I did to until I found out I was pregnant. But as many people know everything pregnant women breath in, eat, etc goes to the baby and stays in your body. Well I haven’t smoked since I found out a month and a half ago, and I failed my drug test when I went for my first sonogram. I’ve talked to my mom and told them they have to smoke outside but they will leave the porch door open when they do (porch is enclosed) so I can still smell it. I’ve asked them to also stop smoking cigarettes around me as I quit in order to better my child’s lung development. Idk if I should move out, boyfriend has a house and completely ready, or should I wait until I’m 18 and tell my doctor that I’m failing them because people smoke around me. In Mississippi if you fail so many they will have DHS at the hospital when you have the baby and they don’t even let you hold it, my sister went through the same thing because people wouldn’t stop smoking around her.