Nausea returning

I had hypermesis during the first trimester and we almost died from it. It was so bad that I have PTSD from the experience and am seeing a therapist to work through it. The nausea went away at 20 weeks but it's come back with a vengeance recently. I'm now 38 weeks. It's hard being sick again but it also triggers all of those bad memories and has given me terrible anxiety. I've had three panic attacks since this started a few days ago. I'm so terrified it'll get bad again. Would it be terrible to ask my doctor to induce me early to avoid this? Would she even consider it for this reason? I was going to ask at 39 weeks after I'm full term. I just can't go through this again. And the panic attacks and stress aren't good for the baby either.. Would asking make me selfish and a horrible mother?