Breaking the news

I found out I was pregnant pretty early so not being able to share my secret was really hard. Recently I found out I was having twins and realized I really wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret. I was so scared to tell my parents because I felt like they’d be so disappointed, and not only that I was very angry that I got pregnant with twins because I felt like my family would look at me like I was crazy. I thought about my pregnancy and suddenly happy thoughts turned into thoughts of doubt...”can I do this”, “am I crazy it I keep them”

Two days ago I sat down with my mom after crying my eyes out and told her I was pregnant. She was very helpful and showed much support.

Now I just had to worry about my Dad and Step mom and after we sang happy birthday to my little brother, we called a family meeting. Once we got in there my Dad sat on the beat and was like “what are you pregnant?” (Looking at my sister) I said yes, with twins. Immediately he looked at her like “are you serious ?” And she looked at him like “why are you looking at me?” He shifted his attention to me and was like “ YOU Jalissa! Get the belt”,My Step mom started screaming “omg Jay Bird, I’m gonna be a grandma again. I can’t wait to see the baby” (quickly corrected her and said BABIES)

Meanwhile my Dads in the corner still like registering all of this and he goes “ I need some proof” and I pull the ultrasound pics from my bra. And I start crying from the response I received. My sister instantly grabbed me for a hug and my Dad goes why is she crying ? And my sister was like she was really nervous. And I went down the line hugging everyone and then they called mt younger siblings and told them