Breastfeeding Trouble


I have a one week old son. We are still struggling to BF. His latch is great and I believe my milk is in. The issue is, he screams. No matter how many times I offer my breast to him, he either screams and cries pushing me away or he latches for a few minutes before pushing away and screaming again. It breaks my heart. I met with a lactation consultant at my peds office and she came in to help while I fed him. He refused to take my breast and pushed away, screaming and red faced. When he would latch for a few seconds, she told me it looked perfect. When he wouldn't latch on anymore, after not even a minute, she told me to switch breasts. We did and got the same result only we tried for almost five minutes to calm him down and he completely refused to latch. Finally, she shook her head and suggested we supplement and pump after offering the breast each time before the bottle. I feel so useless to him and there is so much pressure to BF I feel so depressed. Of course I want what's best for him but he'll only be this little for so long and by the time I fight with him to latch, constantly encourage him to stay latched, give him the bottle when he refuses completely, and then pump, it's been an hour and a half if not longer and all I want to do it spend that time with him, not attached to a pump. The only time he's alert is tight after eating and I dont want to set him down awake and sit there pumping. It took an hour last night for me to pump 3 oz. I dont even have a question. I'm just venting. The only people I have to talk to who have done it are those who tell me they found it super easy. I just sit and cry sometimes.