Tongue Tied


Hi Mamas,

I am having a great deal of difficulty breastfeeding my one week old daughter. I had an emergency c section and was not able to hold/nurse my daughter the first day because she went into the NICU where she was bottle fed. Once I had her, she would not latch due to my apparently flat nipples. I was given a nipple guard and she did latch but tore up my nipples to bloody shreds. I've seen two lactation consultants who have said that she is tongue tied and this is the cause of some of the breastfeeding problems. They recommend having her frenulum clipped. The pediatricians that I've seen don't seem to think it's that big of an issue. My husband is really nervous and doesn't necessarily want the procedure done. Has anyone had a similar experience? There is a chance the breastfeeding won't get any better and if I can pump and feed her, is it worth putting her through any pain??