Define "wasting" food.


Today I saw my wife give one of the cats a piece of baked chicken after years of explaining my views on what qualifies as wasting food. We've always had different views on it but that's understandable. I was raised in an environment with vets/vet techs and if a litter of feral animals needed warmth, you gave up your hoodie. I gave (safe) "human food" to them, and still do. Meanwhile, my wife was very poor age 7ish and up. As in they ate rotten lunch meat from a watery cooler some days and dropping food on the floor was a true disaster. Needless to say, giving her pets people food wasn't allowed regardless of how hungry the animals were. (They were all outdoor animals and could hunt if they needed to, was the impression I was given.) My view is that if you're feeding someone then your aren't wasting food, regardless of that someone being the same species. Anyway, for the sake of something new to talk about what are your feelings on giving animals human food? Assuming the food is safe for them to eat.

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