Well that was a fail. 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

🌸Annie🌸 • #girlmom

So I thought since we’re finding out the gender tomorrow, I’d go ahead and take pictures of our reveal so I could be ready to post.

Get to a huge and completely empty park (it’s been raining here so no one was there), position my kids, light the pink, take pictures, light the blue, take pictures, and pack up to leave.

THREE FIRE TRUCKS peel into the park, alarm and lights blaring. I say, “crap... someone called the fire department on me”.

BIG mistake. My kids are now wailing because they’re convinced I’m going to be sent to federal prison. I’m trying to calm them down while the fire department pulls up. I’m explaining to the driver that I was just taking pictures for a gender reveal and blah blah blah, my youngest is screaming, “don’t arrest my mommy!!” out of the backseat window, and the other guys on the truck are DYING laughing.

I’m never doing anything nice for myself ever again. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️😂