Second time moms

MamaBear🐻🌼 • 26, Mom of two-proud Navy Wife & SAHM

When did you try for your third? What's it like with 3?

My first is almost 5 and my second is 8 months I really have liked the age gap but I would really like to have a third sooner than later don't want to wait four years again, thinking about trying for #3 when my son turns a year... but that does sound a little scary too 😅

.....however I'm 26 and would just LOVE 3 children, and to be DONE with the baby stuff by the time I'm 30!

What's your experiences mamas??

I had a hard time with my first being so young and just a new mom then I had a hard time second time around because he was colicky! So it scares me a little but I would hope and pray for the easiest transition last time around!! Would love to hear your stories!