Christian Religion Question!

So I have a question for those who are specifically Mexican Christians...

So I've been dating this guy and he's christian. I'm catholic. He invited me to his little cousins quince and I'm wondering are they any similar to us Catholics, based on music and alcohol etc? And how would it be proper to go dressed up?

His whole family will be there and I'd like to have to best impression possible. Since they know of me but never met met me in person.

They also invited me to church for a Sunday and I'm wondering how's church and all? I'm just curious.

I once went to a Christian church where they had a band and to me it was weird to see people on their phones, i saw people chewing gum kids eating crackers etc even some adults, the place it looked like a small concert as in seatings and stage kind of thing. What the pastor said was very nice and he had a nice personality too. But everything was a bit weird for me since In a Catholic Church it's so different you can't eat be on your phone nada nada. And I'm wondering if other christian churches are similar or what? I find religion to be so interesting and I want to know more.