Ovarian cyst or pregnancy?!


So...I've started wondering if maybe I'm not pregnant. Maybe something else is going on.

Anyone have an ovarian cyst that causes a missed period (when you normally bleed all the time)

Swollen and tender breasts

Regular discharge (haven't had an issue with that it's been normal)

I'm getting pain mainly in my right ovary I'm assuming, and in my back on the right side. Sometimes I'll get a jab or twinge in my cervix or uterus, was having dull pain off and on on my left side too, but the full, constant pain is on my right mainly. No problem with sex, no pain or anything there.

I'm going to keep testing till Monday. Then I'm going to make a doc app. The place I go doesn't do blood hcg, our local hospital is the only one that does. And I can't get it done until I either know for a fact I am or not. (Boyfriends mother works for the hospital and would know before we got a chance to tell her.)

I can't feel anything if I press on my abdomen.

My abdomen feels a bit tender but it's not just in one spot.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!