Fiancé being sketchy as fuck. What would you do?


I am SO conflicted. From the beginning, I have caught him in little lies. One was him telling me he quit talking to this girl and didn't. That has stopped now.

So, in February, I pretended to be another girl (I know what some of you are thinking. I must be crazy, but hear me out...I already don't trust the dude. I know trust is important but it's hard to leave when you love someone). I wanted to see how he would act with some random girl if he didn't think I would find out. Long story short, he was going to go meet her by the end of the night. I was 8 weeks pregnant when he did this and he knew about the baby. So, I moved out and went to live with my dad for about a month.

Eventually, he talked me back into a relationship with him.

Fast forward to a few days ago: He disappeared on my the night before (texting) and said he fell asleep (he travels hours away and doesn't get to come home most nights). Then woke back up when his boss came in the hotel room after a dollar general run making noise. Odd, Considering he can't even wake up when our baby is screaming and crying.

Fast forward to tonight: I ask him what he did the night before and his story changed. He said he went WITH his boss to dollar general. Okay. Hold up. So lie number 1. So then I get suspicious. I ask if his boss' girlfriend was hanging out with them. He says no. Then goes to tell me how they came ALL THE WAY HOME the night before and he didn't even tell me! So I ask him FIVE times to tell me what he's lying about and he swears there's nothing. He falls asleep and I look at his phone. The boss' girlfriend did indeed drive the entire 2 hours back with them to work. So, I wake him up and ask him again to tell me the truth. He lies again. So I show him his phone and he realizes he's been caught. So he admits the girlfriend came but that's all. He just didn't want to "upset me". Like lying to me doesn't look fishy and make me even more upset?? So now I don't believe at all that it was just the girlfriend. Did she have a friend she brought along? He swears up and down that the girlfriend was all he lied about and he knows it's wrong, but that's it. Bullshit. I can't believe a damn thing he says now.

So, now I'm lying awake just wondering what to do. Do I still love him? Yes, but not enough. We have a one month old. My job doesn't pay my bills, but I don't want to stay with someone just for $$$. So I honestly don't know what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Even the tough love.

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