Cheating husband ?

After I had my baby, I found some suspicious emails. I snooped m, yes because we share a computer and I had my intuition telling me something may be up.

In these emails I found the following:

An email chain with a woman who stated something like “before we restart this relationship” and then my husband responding with stuff like “I hear you good with your mouth” and things like this

Another email wS with some chick who said morning to him and what did he want for xmas and his response was “you”

Then another was a photo of some lady who he claimed he worked with. I confronted him and he claimed the woman with the mouth was one of the “online” porn people, then the girl who he said you was some chick from his school thay didn’t go there anymore .

I been going back over my head with it and it just doesn’t make sense. I don’t want to be judged; just seeking others thoughts on this. I also do deal with a form of abuse which I just realized this past week and am very embarrassed posting this honestly.