having some problems


with my SO's side of the family. for some reason everyone thinks i am the bad guy for them not seeing my 12 week old as much as they want. little backstory for my defense. i do not have a car therefore cannot drive to them. & i feel as though it's not my responsibility for his family to see her when they want because they know where i am all the time ( at home with baby ). am i in the wrong? right now is the first time i have not had my baby since birth because me & SO got in a fight this morning & i told him i do not keep family from my daughter, but it has made our relationships awkward thinking i will not let them see my baby, so i will not go with you over to their house but you can take her. i asked him why everyone thought that i was the bad guy & he said, because you are, which REALLY hurt my feelings. i just need advice, i feel horrible about what he said & feel bad that i cannot please everyone all the time with seeing her as much. my SO works a lot doesn't get home til around 830 sometimes 9, so obviously when he gets out of work it's dinner & bedtime. on weekends he doesn't feel like doing anything since he works hard all week & he is the one with the car. i just do not think it's fair to put the blame on me. no one is to blame other than the people wanting to see her not making an effort to come see her. thats just my opinion. i cannot bring her to anyone i can barely bring myself grocery shopping when i need to.