need advice


ok so I'm lost I've been doing research and I had my ovulation day on the 27th and it says online it takes 24 hours for the sperm to fertilize the egg but it takes 3 to 4 days to reach the fallopian tubes or something like that but then 7 to 10 days for implantation bleeding I've also read that some women experience pregnancy symptoms right after ovulation I've been feeling so bloated since I got off my period on the 18th I still have til the 11th or 12th for my period my vagina is super tight my vulva is darker than usual my boobs are swelled and nipples a lil sore and I'm not wanting to take a test til I knw for sure I'm having more symptoms but to me my body feels different than usually any advice. on theleft was from the 20th and on the right is today October 1st