Too much alcohol or what?

Okay if you and your bf/husband were 21 and long distance and seeing each other for the first weekend in two months, and both of you RARELY ever drink without each other how much alcohol would you buy? My bf and I are in a disagreement he's a bartender and has a much higher tolerance than me. I refuse to buy anything cause he's soo specific and picky so I was just gonna go with him when he arrives. He's telling me to just grab 2 bottles of wine, champagne, a vodka and 6 can of beers. What do y'all think. I say too much but he insists that it's not like it goes bad. I just feel like it's a lot. We are only gonna drink at night in bed. It's also our 3 years so the champagne is too celebrate! Please do not think that I am an alcohol obsessed girl I stay in every weekend to study and just want on weekend to unwind with my bf, in a safe drinking environment with someone who takes care of me/knows when to cut me off! So 2 wine bottles, champagne, vodka, 6 pack of beer- 3 nights sound good? What would y'all buy??