need advice

So the other day i looked through my BD phones and well he was talking to other women ... well i confronted him about it and all he said was " its not like im fucking them and you have dated my friend so youre worse ". anyways he always brings up the past like from way before i was pregnant from him .. he always says i left whenever he pushed me to that choice pf leaving him and being with someone else because i just had enough of him always kicking me out of his house the only reason he would always kick me out was because he would always say he just wanted to look for someone else and i would say okay and  leave but then my dumbass wpuld always go back to him until one day i jist complete walked away yeah its messed up from to have dated other people right away but i just wamted to feel loved i guess Then yeah i started dated a guy who was his friend and well yeah at the end me and that guy didnt have nothing to do with each other and my bd took me back and well we tried to work things and i eneded up pregnant from him . Anyways yeah everytime he does something and i find out he just tells me i have done worse , i have really tried leaving him but i always come back because im dumb and i love him and well he is my kids dad but i dont know what to do nomore , he hasnt had sex with nobody else but he talks to alot of other girls and well yeah i know im dumb i should just walk away and well he says he wants to be with me bcs if he didnt he wouldnt had take me back after i dated other people but i mean if everything he does is okay for him because he says its nothing compare to what i have done .. i need advice