Maternity pictures

Jennifer • J & E est. 2009 Tripp born 10.13.11 Silas born 05.29.14 Violet stillborn 12.14.15 Thea Joy due 11.25.17

This is my 4th baby but first time getting professional maternity photographs. My third baby, my first girl, was stillborn at 37 weeks. Looking back I wish I would of gotten photographs taken with her... all I have is memories and those will fade over time. This time I want to remember this moment: my rainbow baby. Almost 33 weeks with our baby girl Thea, and 4 more weeks until my induction. I cannot wait to meet her.

((The teddy bear is called A Molly Bear. It’s a non profit that makes weighted teddy bears for families that have suffered through a loss. My bear weighs exactly 6lbs 6oz- identically the birth weight of my stillborn daughter Violet Gwendolyn.)