Anyone else?

So, tonight I was all alone at the house, husband working late, and I was just thinking to myself how weird it is that I am married, with a baby, a good job and that I'm a real adult. I don't know why exactly but I just started thinking that what I'm doing now is what my mother was probably doing 27 years ago. I wake up, I shuttle our daughter off to daycare, I go to work for 8 hours where I mentally exhaust myself being yelled at all day (I'm a customer service rep for medical billing, yikes), then I come home and relieve my mother who has had my daughter anywhere from an hour to two hours, I cook and feed her and myself dinner, and my husband if he's home and then one of us puts her to bed. I then proceed to make sure lunches and bottles are made, aha are packed, that everything is clean and wiped up and then I run around doing whatever needs to get done (tonight laundry) before I finally fall into bed between 10:30-11, go to bed and wake up to do it all over again. It's just surreal to me that I've gotten to this point in my life. Just wondering if anyone else out there has had these thoughts 😳