First post! We had a miscarriage and we got married

Heather • Wife💑 & Mother👶🏻

As this being my first time posting on Glow I wanted it to be some happy and exciting news. So ladies, I got married! Saturday, September 30, 2017 I married the man of my dreams! We’ve been together 6 years and have known each other for 9. And I am delighted to say I honestly couldn’t be happier. Yes, like all couples we have our bad days that often turn into bad weeks or bad months... but the good times always override the bad.

Sad news: we had a miscarriage August 21, 2017 after finding out July 8th that I was 4 weeks pregnant. We were devastated. But the good news we are trying again and will hopefully be able to have a new addition to our little family soon!