Pain medication while breast feeding?


I had a C section a week ago and was taking two 5mg oxycodone every four hours, and one 800mg Ibuprofen every eight hours. I only stayed in the hospital for two days and was sent home with the oxy and ibuprofen, however I was only given enough to take one oxy every four hours for five days. I have percoset from a previous injury and wanted to know if any of you were prescribed percoset while breast feeding?

I'm in so much pain and my doctor can't call me in a new script until she is available to see me. I'm waiting for her to call me back about taking my percoset but wanted to go ahead and ask you guys while I wait...

Let me know what y'all think, I obviously want to do what's best for my baby but I can barely hold him being in this pain. 😔