No Intimacy


My boyfriend and I only have sex when HE wants to. If I ever initiate it, he tells me he’s tired or he has a headache. The relationship he was in before me, he says he always tried with her but she’d tell him no. So he’s used to being told no so he doesn’t really try to initiate it but when he does, that’s it for the week. Don’t get me wrong, I can go long periods of time without sex but it makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me, almost like he’s not attracted to me. Meanwhile, he’ll look at other girls and point them out to me, which he makes it clear that he’s just messing with me. He talks to his friends about them getting laid but he has someone who is ALWAYS ready and has the sex drive of a rabbit but never wants to have sex. <a href="">Eve</a> told me today that I’m ovulating so I asked him if we could have sex tonight and he goes “maybe.” I don’t understand what the problem is. I try to participate when we do have sex but he said he should be the one doing all the work. He’s made it known that he doesn’t like bigger girls and that’s fine, everyone has a type. I’ve gained some weight here recently, not too much but a little bit and I honestly think he thinks I’m too big for him. I’m not changing for anyone or anything, I am who I am. I’ve also tried to talk to him about it but he swears he loves me the way I am. But there’s so much slacking of intimacy on his part and I don’t know what to do. We’ve been together for about a year and lived together for most of it. Is he just tired of me or is he unhappy or..?