Crush at school (LONG STORY!!)


so i’m a freshman in highschool, and there’s this boy that i started developing feelings for back in mid-september. the only problem is that, he is one of those “popular” and “cool” guys. and i’m that awkward, shy, quiet girl in the back of the classroom. he’s not like one of those “mean” guys, like most popular guys like him are. he’s pretty nice and is always super positive. he’s only in one of my classes, which is algebra. and it’s at the end of the day so i don’t really get to see him a lot, which makes me feel sort of distant, i guess. in my school, we have different days where you go to different classes corresponding to whatever day it is. but algebra is everyday so im thankful to have that class everyday so i can see him a lot lol 😂 anyways, this happened a few weeks ago when he actually like “spoke” to me for the first time in a long time (we met in 7th grade). i was going to get a calculator from the teachers desk, and he sits over by where that is. so he said “hi” to me and i replied “hi” back. after u said hi to him, he went like “omg she likes me” and i just ignored it because at the time, i didn’t really think anything of it. another time, the teacher asked us to go up to the board and do some math problems. so i went up but usually that’s what he does , like that’s just “his thing” cause he likes writing on the board and stuff. so i guess he wasn’t feeling good or something because he wasn’t getting up and going to the board. after he saw that i went up, he’s like “aw thank you for taking my spot for me today that’s really sweet”. but i also ignored that bc again, i didn’t think anything of it at the time. it’s like i just freeze whenever he says something. he’s actually really sweet and has nary a bad thing to say about anyone ever. unless he’s joking then that’s a different story. he’s super funny and always confident. like if he does like a math problem wrong or something he’ll just dust it off and not care that he got it wrong. he’s super super super quiet sometimes. but when he’s with his friends everything changes. i’m just afraid he has a thing for another girl in my class. they’re always talking and fooling around. i wanna talk to him but IM SCARED !! it’s extremely difficult for me to talk to people especially since i’m SO SOCIALLY AWKWARD. help??! he also doesn’t have a phone at the moment because he broke his and is waiting for a new one so i have no real way of talking to him outside of school. Help??! what do i do!!?