How open are you about TTC?


I’m just curious how everyone else handles people asking when you’re going to have kids (or more kids).

I’m in my mid twenties, and my mom got pregnant without really trying three times, so I assumed it would happen really quickly for me. We’re about 4 months into TTC (which I know is NOTHING compared to how long so many others try), and I haven’t told any of my close friends or family that we’re trying. I know I have no reason to be, but I feel a tiny bit embarrassed that it hasn’t happened yet, especially since my sister in law got pregnant their first month of trying, twice (my husband’s family is very open 🙄) Every time someone asks when we’re gonna have kids I answer “oh, maybe in the next year or two.” Are you guys who are TTC open with friends/family about it, or do you keep it to yourself until it happens?