Postpartum anxiety


I know mental health topics aren’t exactly popular, but I’m hoping one of you here understands. I had postpartum anxiety with my first child and it was awful. I couldn’t leave the house without my husband for months and even then I would insist we stay home all day. I didn’t seek help because I thought I had it in under control but then my husband deployed around 9 months postpartum and I knew I needed to seek help.

I’ve had anxiety for as long as I can remember, but I had it under control throughout my pregnancy. I was so confident that I wouldn’t have postpartum anxiety this time around, but I feel like I’m drowning. My anxiety comes in waves and for the last few nights I’ve barely been able to sleep because of it. I almost feel ashamed that I can’t stop myself from feeling this way AGAIN.

I have my 6 week appt next week and I plan on mentioning it, but I always feel so embarrassed bringing it up. Has anyone else been struggling with the same?