Diagnosed with PCOS today 😢

Marie • Diagnosed with PCOS. Boy mom to a 1 year old, pregnant with baby #2 🥰

Hi guys!!

Yesterday I went to the third gyno since we’ve been trying to get pregnant, because I didn’t like the ones before and found out that I have a lot of cysts on my ovaries and that it’s extremely difficult for me to ovulate 😓 I thought I was going to start crying 😢

What’s most frustrating is that it’s the third person I’ve been to and the first one had seen the cysts but said it’ll be fine and won’t affect me, the second didn’t even realize and now it turns out it’s a lot more serious than I thought.

I’m not overweight, I’m thin and I workout 4 days a week and eat extremely healthy. So there’s nothing I myself can do at all.

So next week my SO will be going to get his sperm tested so I can get medication which will hopefully help us.

Has anyone else been through this and did it end up working out??

I’d only usually heard heavy people having problems with PCOS ...