i need to calm down!

Hannah • 5 beautiful children 14 angel babies pregnant and shooting for #6: the last one

So I am 25 weeks tomorrow. I am freaking out! I have been having contractions for 8 weeks now but in the past 2 weeks finally started to thin and dilate. the day before yesterday I was hospitalized because I was having regular contractions. they got them to stop and sent me home the next day. now today it just seems all I can think about is the labor process. I am so scared. most women get to the point that they are so over pregnancy and ready to meet their baby. I haven't gotten there yet. I am just starting to enjoy pregnancy and I am not emotionally ready yet. I am psyching myself out about delivering. I have a fear of hospitals and medication. I need help from someone who has these fears and has managed to make it threw. I have had 3 children before but this one just has me spooked for some reason. please help. 😶😶😶😶