Help Please!! 😢


My fiancé and I went in for our first ultrasound last Friday September 29th.

According to my first day of my last period we should have been at 8 weeks 1 day. We had an ultrasound done and they said I was only measuring at 5 weeks 3 days. (Side note I was on birth control during my last period and stopped taking it a few days after it stopped so I have not had a period since getting off birth control). The nurse said there is a sac and yolk something, but no embryo. A doctor came in to talk to us and said this could go either way (having a baby or lost it).

She ordered a blood test for my hormone levels and said whatever we get today should be doubled by Monday if it's a good pregnancy. I went back in on Monday and did the blood test again and we waited around for the results and they told us it didn't double but it did increase some. The doctor ordered us back next Thursday the 12th for another ultrasound to see.

Has anyone had this before? If so what are your results?