Hello Ladies, for the past five months I have had yellow discharge in chunks weirdly enough it kinda smells like baby vomit! I am not pregnant or even have kids tho I am sexually active.

Four months ago I had a UTI after I got treated it went away. As I got treated I got a STD screening test I came out clean. She also did one for yeast and vaginal infections. (Keep in mind, I still had this chunky discharge.)

So she says I don’t have any infection but why am I still getting discharge? It’s becoming really annoyed by this. Whenever I wanna wear a cute pair of undies or have sex with my fiancé I can’t comfortably do it because this.TMI He loves eating me out but I don’t want him to because Idk what wrong with me.

(He is also clean too)

What can/should I do?