unusual daycare question..

so I've worked in a daycare for 3 years in the infant rooms (6 weeks to 1 year and 1 to 1.5 years) and I've had great bonds with some of the parents I've met over the years. a handful were overjoyed when I announced my pregnancy and also so sad when I announced my maternity leave. I received quite a few gifts. I answered a lot of their questions with my previous experiences. anyway, I wondered if it would be weird to send a friend request to a few on facebook. there is one in particular I want to thank with a picture for a fleece sleeper that my daughter now fits in. I think she would be genuinely happy to follow my updates on my daughter since that's about all I do on facebook. she jumped for joy when I told her I was having a girl, she has 2 girls herself. so, idk I'm socially awkward so I just can't tell.. would that be weird? 🤔 update: thanks y'all! I feel so weird when it comes to facebook, I have a hard enough time interpreting social cues in person 😏 management does have a policy advising against it BUT I'm actually only back at work for 8 more weeks while a teacher is on maternity leave (they begged me back!) sooo I feel like I can bend that rule a bit for a few of the "special" parents 😋 I find the policy muddy and confusing anyway. I already have one of my husband's co-workers who has a son at the daycare added. I actually recommended the daycare to her! so it's a silly policy and I'm gonna go for it. I agree with the commenter that keeps her profile professional. I'm friends with mostly family so I don't post anything I wouldn't want my grandmother or her friends (bc sometimes she accidentally shares stuff) to read 😂