

I've never been late before in all the years of having my menstrual... AF was due 9/29 and decided to show her ugly face this morning..had me all excited and thinking omg after 4 yrs of TTC we finally did it and BAM! jus like that my world has been crushed.. I'm crying just writing this...I jus need to vent and let that out ..not I must track down my new cycle pattern and basically start all over again...I swear this will be the death of me..I feel so less of a husband is like we can adopt in the future if this doesn't ever happen for us..don't get me wrong I would love that experience but it's nothing like your own baby that grew from inside of you...ugh I hope a miracle happens this month....I hope that everyone else gets their BFP..I don't wish this on my worst enemy💔😔😟 dust to you all !