Getting off Depo


So I had been off birth control for almost two years never felt better and mainly because my husband was cross seas and well yea you can fill in the rest. So he came home and we decided the safest way was for me to get back on the shot so nun will come up so in July I got back on the depo shot (worse mistake ever) my face started breaking out really bad in August and I bled for about three weeks on and off well I was suppose to go get my shot last week but I decided not to because I didn’t do all that work to get my skin and body back right just for the devil(birth control) to overtake my body again. Any-who now I feel like crap literally I’m weak and having horrible stomach cramps no period which is normal for the shot so I’m not worried there and I’m ovulating am I suppose to ovulate but I just feel super sick and light headed and just not myself. Anybody else had bad side effects coming off the shot and will it get worse or better soon? Any suggestions. Feedback please!!!!!!!