Switching OB ?? Rant (NEED OF OPINIONS)

shae 🙃

So I'm 20wks+4days and I'm coming up on another on appointment.im really unhappy with my ob.her office is always super packed and I wait hours to see her,just to be rushed through my appointment when I finally see her.she doesn't answer any of my questions and sorta blows me off when I talk.my appointments consist of weight,pee and five mins of her time then her saying see you in four weeks.Mind you she had never told me what I could/could not eat or what medication I could/should not take medication.mind you I'm a ftm she doesn't say what I should be expecting for the next for weeks or what is an emergency and what I should be concerned for(ALL QUESTIONS IVE ASKED) that were answered with vague answers.the hospital I want to deliver at there women's clinic is always packed and I heard the staff were rude.so I decided to go with her after reading such great reviews about her and how she has all of these awards for best ob in my state,even my nurse recommended her.(DISCLAIMER) I have a nurse who specializes for ftm.(BACK TO RANT) so In my area there are two hospitals and she is affiliated with both(Also Why I Chose Her) since day one I told her I wanted to deliver at a certain hospital and of course she blew me off 🙄 asked me why and I told her because one visiting hours were 24hrs and that's where I rather be and she told me I had a horrible reason and to your both. Mind you yet house/office is closer to the hospital I DONT WANT TO DELIVER AT.so I think she's being biased based on her comfortability and connivence.mind you the hospital she normally delivers at has a high C-section rate .Idk why it matters what my reasons are ? You are affiliated at both so does it really matter ? Is it to late to switch ? Idk if I'm being a brat or my reasons are concerning ?

*i just feel if she blows me off now I can only imagine while I'm in labor