TTC after ED


I'm in recovery from an eating disorder (anorexia) and have been following a healthy diet for about 5 years now. (Yes, it's still a struggle every day, and yes I am aware that I will probably need extra help if I do get pregnant to deal with my body changing. Not trying to be snotty I just hear this a lot!) I've always been terrified that my history will make it hard for me to conceive because when I was in full blown ED I stopped having periods for a couple years and had to go on hormones to start having them again. Now that I'm married and we are thinking about having kids in the near future, I'm so scared that I'll be unable to! My gyno, since he knows my history, agreed to do fertility testing without waiting for the usual year of trying without success. I'm so worried though that I'm having trouble even working up the courage to do any tests! My aunt had a similar experience when she was in her 20s and never was able to have kids, but did adopt. Has anyone else had any similar experiences with or without success?