Story time

I was 7 months pregnant when my husband cheated on me. With a woman we'd taken into our home off the street with her children. In those first couple of days afterwards, I thought about killing myself to keep my baby away from her. I thought about putting him up for adoption. I thought about moving to the other end of the world so they'd never meet him. I wanted to die. I wanted her to suffer knowing what she'd done.

My husband called me a week after asking to go to my doctors appointment the next day, he hadn't missed one yet and didn't want to start. I said okay, but spent the whole time on my phone. We went into the room and heard our baby's heartbeat and he begged me not to hate him and to let him be our son's daddy. We talked for an hour after the appointment out in my car and I told him that if he wanted to EVER see his son, he'd make her leave and cut all contact with her. He said ok and asked if I wanted anything from the apartment. I said yes and we drove over there. I'd taken all of my son's clothes when I left the night I found out, but I'd missed some of my things. I went in and got my stuff and she laid on my couch while we loaded my car of everything else that belonged to our son and I and a few things of my husband's that we thought she might take. I noticed a VERY familiar purse on the table as I was leaving with the last box and stopped to grab it. It was filled with her wallet and things. I dumped all her shit on the floor and took my purse. My husband called the next day and said they were packed up to leave and that I should come over and look through it for any of our stuff we'd missed, so I did. I found things that had sentimental value for me in their things. I found the pandora bracelet my mother in law gave me for Christmas last year. That night, she got back and FLIPPED out because she felt violated that I'd gone through their stuff. She left and we both blocked her and her kids on every social media. He begged me to go to marriage counseling with him and I did because I still love him. We got back on track and our son was born. We found out through a friend looking up her Facebook that she'd moved back up north. I feel safe again. I trust him again.