d&c 6/7/17; still no period

so I was diagnosed with a missed mc in May 17. I went to see my ob for my 12 wk check up, baby had no hb. left and went to another hospital bc I was in denial I didn't want to believe it because I have 2 children previous to this one. had very bad cramping & bleeding for 3 wks before my ob finally told me he'd do the procedure. June 6, 2017 had my procedure done went well no pain really just minor discomfort stopped bleeding after 2 or 3 days. the next following week me & my spouse had sex no discomfort although dr told us wait 2 weeks. doctor couldn't get me in until last month Sept 7, 2017 haven't had a period since after d&c; if you can call it a period. this about to be month 4& I'm really nervous my fertility is f'ed bc this ignorant Dr. hasn't given me my test results from Sept 7th but rx me the mini pills to take tho I've been calling for reports. have a new doctor and she hasn't given me results either it's been a week told me she only got a half reports of my labs & still no results tho also call her every other day to get my full report. idk what I should do. hubby thinks I'm pregnant I'm not sure before mc had to find out about my pregnancy via blood labs test wasn't positive home pregnancy test. I feel like I am bc Ik my body but then again I could be wrong & I could still just want my baby I mc or a new. or at least try to conceive again 😑😑😔😔 idk I need suggestions advice anything that anyone has experienced like this similar? what should I do. I'm really very worried