Busy 2 days = baby born?

Milly • Mama of two, Alice born Oct 2017, Bear born Sept 2020.

38 weeks+2 today!

Yesterday was huge, 6:30am start with a triple grocery shop (stocking up for bubs birth) & then my appointment at the hospital straight from that. I was exhausted! So many cramps the whole day which have carried onto today.

Today I meal prepped & made 24 frozen meals & some frozen snacks for my husband to microwave for us + all the normal household duties.

Oh AND me & my husband were surprisingly active last night so I'm feeling like after 2 orgasms & his sperm...

Anyway, I think all this up & about the last two days has triggered this Bub because I've had an upset stomach (sorry tmi) and I haven't had that throughout the whole pregnancy! Plus the bh contractions have doubled & I feel like I'm getting real ones lower in my abdomen & back...

Fingers crossed it's tonight!!!!