Sophie Joule is here!

Alisha • New mommy of a beautiful baby girl Sophie Joule!! 🎃👻🎃👻 Proud c-section mommy!!

Words can’t even explain how happy and complete I feel!

Sophie Joule was born at 39 Weeks on 10/2 via c-section (she was breech)

6 lbs 6 ounces 20.5 inches long at 12:30pm

C-section started at noon and 30 mins later she was here and more perfect than I could have ever imagined! We found out her cord was around her neck and that’s why she couldn’t have turned on her own but it didn’t cause any issues other than that.

I absolutely loved having a c-section because I never had any contractions and didn’t have to go through any labor! I was up and walking at 2am that night and had my catheter out 5 hours later!

I never thought I could be so in love with someone so instantly but as soon as her little head popped up over the drape my heart exploded and that was it!

You are my whole entire world and my entire heart and soul Sophie Joule!