Work advice! Long post but much needed


I hate my current job. I originally got it because I wanted something temporary to pay the bills. It's a part time job, 20 hours a week. I work at a gym from the hours 3:45am-8:00am. I hate it. I can't stand waking up at 3:00am to be ready for work. I can't stand being constantly hit on and put in awkward situations. However, there are a few perks. One, I get off early so I have time for school and real estate classes. And I can go to lunch with my boyfriend when we plan it and take my dog to the park every afternoon. So I was looking for another morning position. Or something that ended around 2 or 3 pm so that I can kind of keep my schedule. But I haven't found anything yet. I don't want to quit for another part time job. I was a nanny for 7 years and can make good money with that. But all of the jobs that I have found have really not been a good fit. I'm getting into real estate (taking classes to get my license). I found a position at a real estate company for a receptionist. But, the time is from 8:00am-5:00pm. So that means it'll be harder for me to get school done but possibly motivate me to finish real estate school even faster. Also, since I'm not waking up at an unGodly hour, I won't be so tired and I won't sleep when I get home. Also, it being full time would mean that I wouldn't have to worry about bills so much and I could possibly move out of my parents house soon. But that means I wouldn't be able to go to lunch or take my dog to the dog park at the same time my boyfriend does. And then I always think "well, if we ever live together, I don't want to be at the house all the time, I want to be busy with my own stuff" and again this is just a job till I get my actual real estate license and then I can make my own hours and carve out time for stuff like that. I usually go over to my boyfriends house every night at 4:00 so that would change too. But I do get weekends off. What if the relationship gets rocky because I changed my hours and I'm not as flexible? Because right now I can do anything after 8:00am. I'm just so tired from it and I get headaches a lot more. And I'm tired of working here. Management sucks. I wouldn't quit completely because I've only worked here for 4 months. So maybe I'll work like 1 day a month or something like that. Or should I just suck it up and work the morning shift? It's just, I make like $800/month here and my bills are $600/month. and I want to move soon. So it's between staying at the gym, finding a babysitting job (its scary quitting a real thing for something that can be fickle when it comes to emotions), trying for this receptionist position (which would be temporary also until I get my license but help me maybe gain experience in the field), or become an assistant to an actual agent (which would be preferable I just can't find anything).

Long story short: Current Job-I like the shift, its easy going and I have a flexible schedule to do more throughout the day with my dog and boyfriend. I hate the time I wake up, I hate management which is getting worse, I hate getting hit on all the time, I hate being uncomfortable at my job and my bosses doing nothing about it and brushing me off. I hate that it's part time and I make less than a mcdonalds employee.

New job(any of them)- I don't like that I won't really have time for some of the things I do now. Like see my boyfriend for lunch and take my dog to the park (she's very high energy). I don't like that I won't have a lot of time for school. I do like that I'll be in a field that I will gain experience in. (Or that pays well if I find a babysitting job). I like that its still temporary and I will get my license soon. I like that I will still have weekends off and that I will get to wake up at a normal hour.

I'm nervous though to take down my hours at the gym because I do make $800/month here. But I just feel myself hating it more and more.

What should I do???