My nightmare at L&D


So at 37 weeks yesterday, I had my membranes stripped. My doctor is inducing me at 39 for hypertension and wanted to give me the chance to go into labor on my own beforehand. I got stripped at around noon.

By 5 I was having contractions 3 min apart and decided to go have it checked out. I progressed from being 3cm 70% at my appointment earlier to 4cm 90%!

I was admitted and told I was having a baby that night!! I was so nervous and excited!

It took 2 different nurses and 4 sticks to get an IV going.

After 7 hours of having contractions 2-3 min apart, they stopped!

They monitored me until around 2am, I started to get frustrated because they were no longer coming consistently.

They decided to let me go home.

My mom booked a last min flight out here last night and guess what, I’m at home babyless.

I’m completely heartbroken.