Severe anxiety over leaving my 5month old😰

Cristal🌹💋🥀Reneé • Wife & Mom to twins Kenzie & Christian. One angel on Earth, the other in Heaven

Just a rant..😓

I had my LO in April and I was supposed to go back to work in August but I never did because my baby is way too attached to me and won’t go to anyone else for long periods without crying. 😩 NB-3 months she was fine, but 3 months to now, she only wants mommy and occasionally she’ll sit with daddy and play with him, as long as she see’s I’m still in the room. I can’t get anything done because she wants to be held most of the day. I can put her down for maybe ten minutes at the most, then it’s screaming and whining until I pick her up. My sister runs a daycare and the plan was to leave her with her and go back to work but she won’t even sit with her for more than two minutes before crying..🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ It used to be really sweet to me and I still love the bond we share more than anything but it kills me to see people want to play with her and take her places without me and she just cries until I take her back. Sometimes my sister will take her in another room and try to let me get things done but I get anxiety myself and I rush through it so I can make sure she’s okay.. which usually she’s not, she’s screaming her head off.. poor momma and baby😓😓 I hope she breaks out of it soon.. I know too many of my friends who’s kids are attached to them and only them and I don’t really want that to be us.