Tired Mama


So my son is 2 months old.. and he was sleeping pretty good for the most part. When I first had him, I had to wake him every 3 hours to eat bc of his weight. So I would put him down at 10, and I’d feed him at 1am and then again around 4am, then he’d sleep until 7-8am.

After he got beyond his birth weight, I would let him sleep and he’d wake around 3am, sometimes 4am, then again around 7am. Recently he’s slept from 10-5am. Those are more rare.

This week he’s been going down at 10pm.. and waking at 1-2 am.. then again around 4-5 and then again 6-7am. Basically every 2 hours or so.

What happened??? 😫 Think maybe a growth spurt? I feel like I was awake all night from 1-7 last night.

Any suggestions? Or it is what it is?

He’s breast fed with formula supplemented but not at night, usually just during the day if he doesn’t have a good feed.